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Pusat Penyelidikan Sains & Kejuruteraan
Science & Engineering Reseach Center (SERC)


Thermal analysis is a branch of materials science and a general term defining a technique used to analyze the time and temperature at which physical changes occur when the substance is heated or cooled. Each technique is defined according to the types of physical changes being analyzed. When evaluating material characteristics, it is necessary to use different techniques or a combination of multiple techniques depending on the purpose or physical information of the materials needed.

There are several measuring methods/techniques in thermal analysis. The method used varies according to the physical properties being analyzed. The most common and versatile measuring method is Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). DSC is used to monitor the difference in temperature between the sample and a reference material against time or temperature in a specified atmosphere. Quantitatively measures heat absorbed or released by material undergoing a chemical or physical change.